For those of you just catching up, I am a believer in the possibility of weird things. That includes extraterrestrial visitation, the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, and yes, paranormal activity. I draw the line at honest politicians, independent news people, and the...
Part III: Paranormal Crap in Virginia . . . Continued
Have you caught up? I’ve already disclosed that I’m a believer in all things possible—the paranormal being one of them. This is Part III of my paranormal encounters. This episode takes place in Winchester, Virginia where I live today. In no real order. ....
Part II: Paranormal Crap In The Hudson Valley and Beyond
If you’ve checked out my Supernatural Experiences Part I, you’ll already know I’ve had a few wild experiences when I was a kid. Now, sit back and hear Part II—Paranormal Crap in the Hudson Valley and Beyond. Between about 1969 until I escaped in 1979, my family lived...
Part I: Terrified, The Early Years
Oh, hell yeah! I should preface this chapter of The Life and Times of a Crazy Person with full disclosure. I believe in the possibility of all forms of everything—UFOs/aliens, Bigfoot, sea monsters, spirits, and even honest politicians. I know, I know,...