Have you caught up? I’ve already disclosed that I’m a believer in all things possible—the paranormal being one of them. This is Part III of my paranormal encounters. This episode takes place in Winchester, Virginia where I live today. In no real order. ....
If you’ve checked out my Supernatural Experiences Part I, you’ll already know I’ve had a few wild experiences when I was a kid. Now, sit back and hear Part II—Paranormal Crap in the Hudson Valley and Beyond. Between about 1969 until I escaped in 1979, my family lived...
Oh, hell yeah! I should preface this chapter of The Life and Times of a Crazy Person with full disclosure. I believe in the possibility of all forms of everything—UFOs/aliens, Bigfoot, sea monsters, spirits, and even honest politicians. I know, I know,...
I first fell in love with writing while in grade school and over the years continued to dabble with characters and stories whenever life allowed. Lately, I've focused my energy on pursuing this dream—interrupted only by life as a security consultant and the demands of two Labrador retrievers.
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