It’s here—Launch the Book Launch Party! Pour the wine and start wringing the hands… cross all the fingers and toes… Dying to know has been released and now I’m really in the thick of it!
On January 8th Dying to Know—my first of three murder mysteries set in Winchester, Virginia, went on sale. To my dismay, not on all the shelves. Not even in my home town. The local chain bookstore isn’t carrying unless the manager makes a request. Great news! Now, if only the manager would talk to me… alas, the perils of an unknown author.
But those that have found a copy on Amazon, Midnight Ink, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Millioneither in stores or on-line have been giving me some great reviews. I’ve already heard from some new fans who are waiting for the first sequel, Dying for the Past—just approved by Midnight Ink and it will be out next January.
A call to arms: If you’ve read Dying to Know, go on Amazon, Good Reads, or other sites and give me a review. A great review is preferable. A good review is acceptable. A so-so review is painful. And a bad review is damnable. But review nonetheless! Review with your heart. I’m a swell guy. Honest. No really, stop laughing…
But in all seriousness, I’ve gotten some great reader reviews and a few professional ones, too. I’m sure the bad ones will come (and I know who you are!) Until then, my PR pro—the amazing Maryglenn McCombs— has been lining up some great coverage, including some blogs, interviews, book reviews, and special coverage. She’s done an amazing job getting my name and book out there where no one ever heard of me. Below are some of her finer efforts (and many more to come).
Some big events upcoming:
January 17: Feature article in Northern Virginia Daily (Entertainment section) on me and Dying to Know.
January 18: Book Launch Party — Old Town Winchester, VA!
January 25: Book signing at Around the Block Booksin Purcellville, VA—11 am to 3 pm. Prizes and snacks to boot.
January 25: Suspense Radio Interview at 1:30 pm EST.
Here’s a taste of some others:
A Day in the Life—err, death—of Oliver Tucker: Courtesy of Dru Ann Love and Dru’s Book Musing:
Campaign for the American Reader multiple articles with the help from Marshal Zeringue:
Coffee with a Canine:
Coffee with a Canine: Tj O’Connor & Toby, Mosby, and Maggie Mae
Crimespree Magazine:
Criminal Element feature about Dying To Know
New Book Journal has featured Dying To Know (and added to Pinterest):
Lori’s Reading Corner—Spotlight Feature on the book:
So stay tuned. More to come. Dead bodies and all.