Thriller Writer Tj O'Connor

Tj O’Connor

Dying and Whining … Oh the toils of being an author.

And once again, the calendar tells me I’m late … These days, consulting eight or ten hours a day and writing all my waking hours is starting to take its toll. This morning, I was up late and assailed by my two Labs, two visiting canines—including a 165-pound...

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Dying for a Little Charity

Author of Dying to Know, Dying for the Past, and the upcoming Dying to Tell Since I’ve made the transition from being a writer to an author—the difference is an imaginary line between being unpublished and published (or so I’m told)—I’ve been fortunate to have...

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Dying For A Little Class

By Tj O’Connor, author of Dying to Know & Dying for the Past & Dying to TellDying is overrated. Having a little class is not.Stop scratching your head. If you’re a struggling author like me, this will all make sense. If you’re a successful author like we all...

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Dying is Toughest When It’s Your Best Friend

By Tj O’Connor, author of Dying to Know, Dying for the Past, and Dying to Tell As a mystery writer, death becomes almost cliché—at least, fictional death. It’s the heart of a story and everything surrounds it. We treat death as no more than a plot and the...

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Dying for the Past – The Roots of this Sequel- Part I

By Tj O’Connor, author of Dying to Know & Dying for the Past Countdown—39 days to the launch of Dying for the Past, my first sequel to Oliver “Tuck” Tucker’s debut in Dying to Know. Tuck is back in Book 2 and he’s on a new case with the help of his beautiful and...

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Dying for a Riddle

Hey everyone, I've been featured as part of Check out the site and take the riddle "Which Spine Tingling Mystery Should Keep you Up at night?"

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I first fell in love with writing while in grade school and over the years continued to dabble with characters and stories whenever life allowed. Lately, I've focused my energy on pursuing this dream—interrupted only by life as a security consultant and the demands of two Labrador retrievers.

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